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I may not be Charlie Sheen, but I'm winning!

This past week has just been, well, my week. I've been on a nice winning streak lately, which has been especially nice considering all the crap we've been dealing with lately, medically and financially.

First, I won 3rd place in the Soul Cysters Weight Loss Challenge. I have lost 23+ pounds since the start of the challenge in December. That won me $20.00. Since the winnings are sent though PayPal, it's officially my eBay money :)

Then, during National Infertility Awareness Week, there were giveaways everywhere! I won a cd from Chance To Hope. I'm not sure if it's just one song or a collection, but either way, I'm excited to listen to it. "Invisible Loss" by Fertility Advisors' Owner, Deb Grisset.

It keeps going :) I also won a book, Taking Charge of your Fertility, and a basal body thermometer (BBT) from The Lucky 7. For those of you unaware, a BBT is a thermometer that is accurate to .1 degrees, whereas traditional thermometers are only accurate to .2 degrees. This higher degree of accuracy is necessary in tracking, because signs of ovulation can be as small as .5 degrees difference. In charting, a .4 can mean much different than .6. Hubs and I decided that we were going to attempt TTC with a private donor before we start looking into more expensive procedures, and tracking is very important in this process.

Update as of 10:00pm this evening, I have also won a beautiful tote and cell phone case from Juliana's PCOS Journey and Patchwork Place! You can find Juliana at her blog: Juliana's PCOS Journey Patchwork Place has a shop on etsy with some fabulous bags!
Here's pictures!

So those are the ones I have won - here are the ones still running!

WonderMill Grain Mill - Hosted by Take It From Me

As a self-proclaimed foodie, I can honestly say I think this would be one of the COOLEST items to have in my kitchen. I can grind my own wheat into flour whenever I want? Awesome. Quinoa? Yup. Beans? That too! (Although I'm still thinking of a reason to grind beans...)

Grain stores better and longer than flour, and in pretty much all cases is cheaper. The only that could make me happier about this giveaway is if it was for the Wonder Junior Deluxe Hand Mill, so I could make my own nut butters as well. If I could make my own organic nut butter, my bird would be in foodie heaven too!

Of course, I do have a reason for posting about this giveaway - it gets me more entries to win! But of course, it would be mean of me to talk about it without giving you the chance to enter as well, so hop on over to Take It From Me and check out all their fabulous giveaways! If you have babies, you should definitely make sure to check out this site. They are having a huge Baby Bash giveaway this month, and have all sorts of cool giveaways to enter!

Nexus Leather Recliner - Wholesale Furniture Brokers
A few years ago, a friend gave me a recliner that she no longer needed. I was spendind a lot of time taking care of my twin nieces at the time, and needed a comfy chair to sit in while feeding them. Little did I know that was going to become my favorite chair, especially after I started having major back problems. It's been attempting to break for about 6 months now, but has been a trooper and stayed together. This past weekend, though, it took a turn for the worst. It broke. It's still useable, but only if you feel like lying down. I almost cried when I realized I couldn't sit in it and use my laptop at the same time. Today I found a recliner giveaway. Coincidence? I think not. The cool thing about this giveaway is that it's not just for a recliner. For every 50 entries they recieve, they are giving away a gift certificate, increasing in $50 increments. Awesome, right? That's what I thought. To enter, all you have to do is choose one of their websites, write a 100-word review, and then send them the link. Here's my review of

The recliner being given away ^^

As a website developer and former newspaper editor, I often get requests to review a website and offer my suggestions. I enjoy this process, because I get to dig deep and explore every aspect of a website. Today I'm reviewing At first glance, it is a well-designed website. It is user-friendly, simple to navigate, and doesn't have attrocious colors like some sites out there. There is a large selection of leather recliners, and the prices are competitive. They are offering free shipping and no sales tax right now, which is great as well. I hate finding a great deal online only to realize I have to pay a ton in shipping - this is especially a problem with larger purchases. I am a bigger fan of fabric recliners because I hate the way my skin sticks to leather when it's warm. Unfortunately, they do not have a large selection of fabric recliners. I would recommend being careful when picking out the recliners you like, because they do include discontinuted items in their product listings. This annoys me sometimes, because inevitably I fall in love with something discontinued. My preference is to only show items that are actually available for purchase. I think the coolest thing about this website is the sports recliners. I know several people who would just love to have a Dallas Cowboys or Green Bay Packers recliner. I would prefer an Oakland Raiders recliner, but that one isn't available :(

Here's a link to the full website:


  1. awesome job ;) on your weight loss... seriously though... maybe this time it'll be first place :)

  2. Christina - That definitely is the plan! :)


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