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From sad to excited in an hour :)

Lately I've really been fighting with the fatigue issues that come along with fibromyalgia. I slept almost the entire weekend, even missing a workday because I slept through all the alarms and Hubs trying to wake me up. Being exhausted is exhausting. I had planned on stopping at the library before work today, and gave up on that idea when I woke up. I decided that the extra 30min of sleep was more important than a book. And it is. But some days, when I'm staring at my computer, trying to concentrate on what I should be doing, I get teary-eyed. Some days I just can't focus, and all my body wants to do is sleep. As a way of fighting it, I load up on coffee (with no sugar!). Of course, then you could do some googling and find out that caffeine isn't all that great for people with fibro. I'm sure it's not that great for any of the other issues I fight with. But the coffee really doesn't help. It gives me a short burst of focus, then I have to have another cup to get me going a little further. I know that's wreaking havoc on my body. I don't have the ability to just take days off to sleep, because if I miss too many, I can't pay the bills.

I've been eating healthier, lots of fruits and veggies, yogurt. I haven't been cooking like I want to because I'm just so tired by the time I get home.

I know that I'm still writing a lot of depressing stuff. I think I want to feel better - but writing all this isn't helping that much. But it feels like it must come out of my head. Maybe if I keep it bottled up, it'll just make it worse. So I'm writing about all the crappy stuff in hopes that I won't have to think about it anymore.

I need to take better care of myself. Everything I read about others who have started to feel better have all changed their diets, cut out things like gluten and dairy. Honestly, it would be fairly difficult to give up dairy. I've limited myself a lot, and rarely use cheese, and only occasionally drink some milk or eat cereal. Mainly because Hubs drinks all the milk before I get to it. When I need milk in a recipe, I use almond milk. The unsweetened kind. When I was making my morning smoothies, I used almond or hemp milk. But I think, by far, the most difficult diary product to stop using would be butter. So I'll take it slow when attempting to eliminate that. I had a food allergy test done a few years ago, and there were a lot of things on that list. I stopped following it because it cut out a lot of healthy things I was eating, like fruits and veggies, and herbs. I tried hard to keep those out of my diet, but I couldn't see any differences in how I felt while not eating them. So I added them back into my diet - but in small increments. If I eat something on my list, I'll do my best to keep away from everything else.

Why am I not having my smoothies every morning anymore? It's not like they were hard to make. I should prepackage everything I need to make them. I just googled the idea and apparently I'm way behind in the times lol. I used to prepackage some of the fruit, but never the entire smoothie, minus the liquid. Holy crap. That's what I'm doing tonight. I can add the protein powder to the baggie. *facepalm* I can't believe I haven't been doing this.

So new plan - morning smoothies. I need to go to the store and pick up spinach and kale, since they appear to be easily freezable. GENIUS! I'm so proud of myself :)

And I'm starting a weekly healthy challenge in my local PCOS group. I can't wait to get started! I feel better already :)


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