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Showing posts from January, 2014

Day 13 - 18 recap #GiveIt100

Day 13- 20 min yoga 14 - 20 min yoga 15 - 20 min yoga 16 - nada 17 - nada 18 - 20 min yoga? I hope! The last few days haven't been so great exercise-wise. I've done 20 min of yoga on most days, but I'm not happy with that. I should be doing a lot more. I'm headed towards Day 20, 20% of the way through this challenge. I'm going to get back to more exercise today, I hope. I slept way too late, got to work late and needed to stay late to make up some hours. But there's no reason why I can't do 20 min of yoga. We'll see how tonight goes. I hope that tomorrow will be much better.

Day 7-12 Recap #GiveIt100

I've been really busy the last week. The last day I discussed was Day 5(6) - Jan 15th. It's been an entire week since then! I've decided to start ignoring the count of official days, so no more 5(6)ish days. Day 7 - The basic 15 min yoga and some games on the wii. Day 8 - I took off work to help out my grandmother. I decided to take the time to start sorting through boxes in her garage. Half of them are mine and the other half are my mom's. We got a decent chunk out. My mom purchased a garage sale permit, so we would sell stuff we didn't want whenever someone drove by. Day 9 - This was the official garage sale day! We were raising money for a friend's son. He was diagnosed with cerebral palsy at 6 months, and was diagnosed with a rare and terminal liver cancer last fall, at 13 yrs old. It's a cancer that they don't usually see unless you are from overseas and over 50 yrs old. We ended up raising $115 towards his medical bills. I also got to han...

Day 5 recap, #GiveIt100

Day 5(6) Has been the longest and most fun workout so far. I did 15 minutes of wii fit yoga, and 20 minutes of boxing and stretching. I got a 93% accuracy rate on a 4 minute non-stop boxing, and even doubled Hubs' previous score. I had to take a pic as evidence. For only being 5 days into my workout, I was quite excited with the results. And I'll be doing even more tonight. This morning, on the way into work, I was singing along with the music at the top of my lungs, and it hit me. I'm happy. This is new. I haven't felt just plain old happy in a really long time. I LOVE the new meds I'm on, and wished we started these sooner. But hindsight is always 20/20, and I can't change the past. But I can be excited about the future, and I am. I'm so excited that I'm starting to come back to the real world.

Day 4 (take 2) - #GiveIt100

Since day 4 didn't have any exercise, I re-did it. I'm going to be keeping track of both the exercise days and the full 100 days. So day 4 redo was actually day 5. I'm going to notate it like this: 4(5). My hope is that this will be the only day that I don't stay on track, but if I should fall by the wayside, I'll just get back up and keep moving. So what did I do for Day 4 take two? I did my first weigh-in via wii fit. I'm going to use it as my weight loss tracker for the challenge, mainly because it says I'm 10ish pounds lighter than my bathroom scale does. The result? Just shy of 251 pounds. Bathroom scale said 259.8 several days ago. I should have gotten on the other scale after I did this weigh in to get a firm answer on how off the results are. Anyways, for my work out I did 30 minutes of strecthing, boxing and karate using the ExerBeat game. I forgot how fun it was, so I'm looking forward to getting back into a fun exercise routine. Eventually...

What the F*** Should We Eat

My bank account is very low this month, so I'm being forced into being creative with what we eat. I've got a lot of stuff in the house, so I know we won't go hungry. I just don't want to get stuck in a rut and everything gets boring. I joked with Hubs that I need to do a blog series called 'What the F*** Should We Eat', that focuses on creating new recipes out of the basics we have in the house. So maybe, along with my giveIt100 recaps, I'll post some recipes I threw together. My hope is that it helps me and you!

Day 2-4 of GiveIt100 recap

Day 2: Today I waited until late evening to do my workout. I did a 45 minutes candlelight yoga session ( It felt great, and I went to bed right afterwards. I slept pretty good, too. That's a win in and of itself. Day 3: Just a 15 min energizer. I didn't really do much else. I wasn't feeling too hot. And that followed over to day 4. Day 4: Nothing. I thought about doing some sort of workout several times, but I never actually got up and did anything. So Day 5 is going to have a longer workout. I'll definitely be doing some yoga, probably one of the 20 min series (, very likely the 20 min for weight loss. Can you tell I'm a fan of Sara Ivanhoe? hahah I like her sets. She's really good at explaining what to do without being annoying. Have you ever had that issue? Where you can't stand to finish a workout dvd because t...

GiveIt100 - Day 1!

Day one was a great start, in my opinion. I did a 15 min yoga energizer, and a little while later I finally tried a barre3 workout. I've only been paying for a membership for three months now. I only did a 10 min session to get an idea of how it works, and my legs were burning and screaming by minute 6. It was a killer workout. I'm looking forward to day 2's workout. I'll probably do a 20 min yoga session, another barre3 workout, and maybe a trip to the gym to cycle. I took pics, but I don't want to post them where the whole world can see them. I will next time I'm in enough clothing hahaha.

Making changes!

Have you seen the giveIt100 challenge? I've been seeing it everywhere lately. The woman decided to take a video of herself working out every day for 100 days. She lost 18 pounds and two dress sizes.That's fantastic! I'm going to do it. I don't know if I am going to share it with the world like she did, but I am doing this with another friend, and she'll be able to see them. I start today. I'm not going to give myself a chance to get out of it. I'm doing it. No matter what. On another note, Hubs and I cleaned the living room last night. That's a big deal. And I made fresh orange juice afterwards. And I didn't flip out or get too overwhelmed. I'm excited! I attribute this to the new meds I started and loving motivation from my good friend SECF! (She used to be SECS, but she got married! Yay!) And now that the living room is clean and I have floor space again, it's back to working out. I have plenty of room from my yoga mat and any other e...

How can I save money?

Have you seen that weekly money savings thing floating around? It's where you save a certain dollar amount matching the week number. Well, I don't like the idea of trying to save so much at the end of the year, when we're trying to spend it on gifts. So I modified it to my liking. This change makes it so that you save about $200 a month for the whole year. You could also do it backwards, starting with $52 at the beginning of the year, finishing with $1 at the end of the year. That one's not bad either, but with my crappy paychecks from low hours lately makes that difficult for me. I attached a PDF copy of the three options I've discussed, as well as a secondary set that doubles the amounts. I'm leaning towards attempting the alternating double amounts so I can save almost $3000. I realize that this option doesn't work for everyone, but with my typical paychecks, I think I can pull it off. I'm going to print it out, put it on the fridge, and attach an en...

Taking my frustration out on a word...

MindBodyGreen was thinking about me today... Well maybe not me, but people like me. I get their daily email blasts. If you are interested in changing your life, you've got to check this site, , out. I love it. The first post was about a word we need to eliminate from our thoughts. (Read it here: Eliminate this word ) Especially if we want to learn to love ourselves more. What's the word? Take a guess... Hate? . . . Fear? . . . Fine? . . . Nope. SHOULD . *bomb drops* Bam! Duh! This is genius. And I've only been thinking about it for 5 minutes. I use 'should' ALL the time. If I'm sitting on the couch, watching my 3rd or 4th hour of tv and it's getting close to bedtime, I say: I 'should' have worked out. Found on I should cook more.  I should work out. I should have mailed out Christmas cards.  I should save that money instead of buying another penguin. (Yes, we...

January Goals

I want to keep these simple so I don't get too frustrated too early in the year :) Read 5 books (already read 1 - I love being a fast reader!) Use all the produce that comes in the house - no waste! Fill my mp3 player with good music and head to the gym! No fast food! Ok, this one isn't as simple, but I'm ready to try it! I think that these goals will be a success and make a great start to the year. Here's to 2014! You can join us in this month's goal link-up! Enter below!

My 2014 'I Want's

I've already talked about my New Year's resolution... I also decided that I want to make an 'I Want' list for the year. These are things that I hope to incorporate into my life as part of the 'Be a Happier Me' resolution. These are by no means requirements to satisfy my goal. They are simply things that I'd like to see in my life. They do not determine whether I pass or fail. The Happify program I'm a part of has me do tasks like this - Visualizing what success would look like, what I'm doing, what I'm not doing, etc. A lot of them are new habits that I want to form, and I think making a list, printing them out, and posting them all over the house might help just a little :) I Want to... ... drink a glass of apple cider vinegar and lemon water every morning ... do my oil-pulling every morning ... spend more quality time with Hubs ... find a workout routine that I enjoy ... work out at least 3 times a week ... practice at least 15 min ...

New Year, New Meds

My last doctor appointment of 2013 - my psychiatrist. I know that my meds have been helping, but not to the extent that I would like them to. 4 years ago when I was on meds, I was happy, changed my life for the better, blah blah blah. This time, I'm functioning, but not the happy-go-lucky me I was last time. And I'm certainly not as productive. We discussed my frustrations and decided to change my meds, again... I'm going to stop taking Prozac and start on Paxil. He said that when Prozac doesn't work as well as we'd hoped, that Paxil usually works better. So day one of 2014 is day 1 of my new med. I'm not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice to see a positive change. We'll see how it goes.