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Regret vs. Fate

Last night Hubs and I got on the subject of fate. Although I don't like the thought of my actions being controlled by fate, there are some situations where I was incredibly happy that some things just worked out like fate.

If it wasn't for visiting Hubs' aunt right after she got a new puppy, I wouldn't have my cuddly 4-legged child Spike. I knew at some point I would have a dog, but if it wasn't for Spike, I would probably still be dog-less. Spike showed up in our lives when I needed him the most.

If it wasn't for Hubs' lawsuit settlement, we wouldn't have Squeeks, my silly little shoulder pirate. One of the sparkles of my eye. My noisy dishwashing partner.

But I can go back farther than that. Hubs said he considered dropping out of college when he got shot - 6 months before we met. He said he was really glad that he didn't quit, because he wouldn't have met me. We are both glad that didn't happen.

If I hadn't married my first husband, I never would have gone to that college. I wouldn't have met Hubs. I wouldn't have the job I have today.

This is a toss-up between fate and regret. Some may look at the bad side of the situation and only see regret. I do not regret any of the choices I made because they got me to where I am today. Yes, there are some things I could have done differently, and they might have been altered the future. But I'm so glad and grateful for the things and people in my life now.

I'm sure everyone can find situations that seem like fate. Just like beauty, I think fate is in the eye of the beholder. But how do I continue down my life's path when I don't know what choices I need to make? Do I leave it all up to fate? Do I make decisions after a long period of thought and study? Hindsight is 20/20, and I probably won't know what decisions affect other decisions until they are made. I think that might be the fun part, though. Seeing how your previous decisions affect all the good things in your life. Remembering what potentially bad decisions have brought happiness into your life later on.


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