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Fat Ass Friday (So pissed that it took 4 days to post.)

Starting weight: 233
Current weight: 237.6
Weight +GAIN / -LOSS this week: +4.6
Total weight lost: +4.6

This is why I hate PCOS. And my lack of motivation. I gained 4.6 pounds in one week. And that's solely from splurging on one day. Not the whole week, just ONE DAY. Sunday was ZOMBIE FEST. One of our nieces is leaving for college in 2 days, and she hadn't seen any of the Resident Evil movies. We fixed that. I had planned on making good munchies, but I got lazy. I decided I'd rather watch the movies than hang out in the kitchen, cooking. So we had donuts, cookies, Totino's pizza and cheese dip. For those of you on Weight Watchers, did you know a Totino's party pizza is 17 points? Yeah. Ouch. Oh, and I had a honey bun yesterday. They looked so good. I said I wanted one, then my hubby said "NO. Your splurge day was Sunday. You can't have one." So I decided not to have one. Then I said, "But I really want a honey bun." and he gave in. Crap. Still don't have him trained. But we are getting there lol :)

Except for ZOMBIE FEST and the honey bun, I ate very healthy. Lots of fruits and veggies, as well as lean meats. I also made some GF bread, which was awesome with slices of pot roast made Friday. Obviously I can't have splurge days. They just set me too far back in this whole weight loss thing. I can picture myself skinny. I remember what it was like in high school. I was pretty, enjoyed life, and had plenty of friends to spend time with. PCOS has robbed me of a normal life. I'm fighting infertility and weight problems while suffering from bipolar disorder and depression. It's a vicious cycle that I want so desperately to break, but have yet to pull it off. I was doing great for the first couple of months, but the last 2-3 have been rough. I've got to start working out again. I have to restart my 21 days, because I totally failed already. I am going to modify my goals. So be on the lookout for the new 21 day challenge post.

Do you want to participate in Fat Ass Friday's? Head over to Brandy's blog and link up!


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