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Tasty Tuesday - Fiance's Favorite

I haven't talked much about my personal life, but Razure is a very important part of it. We are getting married on Halloween this year. He can't cook to save his life, so he loves that I can. And I never fail to cook something that he devours. He loves Beef Stroganoff, and so do I. For years I would just make Hamburger Helper, and then I found Homemade Gourmet's Stroganoff Made Easy. And let me tell you, it's easy!

This is a Crock-Pot recipe, but I have another stroganoff recipe that uses a skillet.

1 Packet Homemade Gourmet® Grandmother’s Sunday Roast Seasoning  
1  cup  water 
2  tablespoons  flour 
1  8-ounce  carton sliced fresh mushrooms 
1  8-ounce  carton sour cream 
1  12-ounce  package noodles, prepared according to package directions  
2  pound  round steak, sliced in 3” lengths or cubed from leftover roast 

1. Place meat in a slow cooker. In a small bowl, combine all ingredients except sour cream and noodles; stir until well blended.
2. Pour mixture over meat and cook on high for 4 -5 hours or on low for 8 hours. During the last 1/2 to 1 hour of cooking time, stir in the sour cream.
3. Serve over cooked noodles.

Yummy!!! You can also make this a 4 meals in 4 minutes meal. Place all ingredients, except sour cream and noodles in a gallon sized ziptop freezer bag, SMOOSH, and lable Stroganoff Made Easy. Place in the freezer until ready to cook. When you are ready, pull it out of the freezer and put it into the slow cooker FROZEN! Add about 30 minutes to your cooking time to allow for the defrost, and voila! Stroganoff!

Of course you want to know the price breakdown:
HMG Grandmother's Sunday Roast Mix - $4.50 (This week's special! This price is only good until next Wednesday, Sept 2!)
2 pounds of Round Steak - $5.98 at Albertsons
1 package mushrooms - $2.50
1 cartom sour cream - $2.00
12 ounces noodles - $2.50 - I love the egg noodles for this!

Total - $17.48. Did I forget to mention something? Oh yeah! This feeds 6-8 people! That's less than $3 a person! I can't think of any restaurant you could go to that has Beef Stroganoff for $3 a person. Even better, though, this will bring your family back to the dinner table! Sit down for family dinner and actually enjoy it! Add something like HMG's Lemon Sandwich Cookies (5.50 special) for dessert, and HMG's Peach or Raspberry Iced Tea (5.50 special) for drinks!


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