- Continue working 6+ hours a day - YEP
- Host a Norwex party - Nope, because the hostess keeps forgetting to call people.
- Help my first consultant get started - No.
- Work out at least twice a week. - Nope.
- Be consistent with my supplements. - Yes! Now I just need to reorder the important ones that I have run out of.
- Meal prep on weekends so I have food when I don't want to cook - I've done this once, which is so much better than not at all. It was nice to have meals finished for several days.
- Start and finish my Mobile App Development course - Just need to take the exam, which I might not have the cash to pay for.
- Work with Hubs to set a schedule to finish another course together - Nope. Hubs isn't really interested in taking any of the courses that I have paid for, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
PCOS Group:
- Plan April's Dallas event and post details in the group - Yes.
- Plan May's Ft Worth event - Yep.
- Get some FB/Twitter posts scheduled - No.
- Cut back on my tv show hours - Yes
- Play more games with Hubs - Yes
- Work on Spike's leash training - Ehhhh not really
- Get our sleeping schedule fixed so I can get up earlier in the AM - Not really, but I am getting to work an hour earlier, so that's a start.
- Clean the apartment - Mostly
- Plant some flowers/veggies/herbs and don't let them die - No
- Proofread a new novel from another aspiring writer friend! - Started! Haven't finished yet though
- Start writing/journalling in the evenings before bed, so I have a written list of the things I accomplished. - I've been doing this consistently for a little over a week. I'm really just writing down what I felt to be good things that happened, and ignoring the bad unless it's important, like physically being incapable of doing something simple.
- File taxes. - They've been dealt with.
All in all, I think I killed April. Most of the incomplete goals had nothing to do with a lack of effort on my part. I had some good things happen, like a friend asking me to teach him how to cook vegan dishes, lost some weight without really trying, mastered the process of making kombucha... So it's on to May!
- Keep up the 6+ hour days
- Host a Norwex party
- Finish up a freelance web design job I picked up
- Re-order the supplements I'm out of
- Keep meal prepping
- Get office and spare bathroom cleaned up/organized for visiting family
- Go to 2 rock concerts!
- Keep writing in my happiness journal
- Work an pet adoption event
- Keep reading my friend's novel
- Read the books I checked out from the library
I was so stressed/busy in April that I decided May needed to be a breather month. I'm not stressing about classes (although I have several I still need to take). This month it's all about money and happiness.
- Continue working 6+ hours a day - YEP
- Host a Norwex party - Nope, because the hostess keeps forgetting to call people.
- Help my first consultant get started - No.
- Work out at least twice a week. - Nope.
- Be consistent with my supplements. - Yes! Now I just need to reorder the important ones that I have run out of.
- Meal prep on weekends so I have food when I don't want to cook - I've done this once, which is so much better than not at all. It was nice to have meals finished for several days.
- Start and finish my Mobile App Development course - Just need to take the exam, which I might not have the cash to pay for.
- Work with Hubs to set a schedule to finish another course together - Nope. Hubs isn't really interested in taking any of the courses that I have paid for, so I'm not sure what I'm going to do.
PCOS Group:
- Plan April's Dallas event and post details in the group - Yes.
- Plan May's Ft Worth event - Yep.
- Get some FB/Twitter posts scheduled - No.
- Cut back on my tv show hours - Yes
- Play more games with Hubs - Yes
- Work on Spike's leash training - Ehhhh not really
- Get our sleeping schedule fixed so I can get up earlier in the AM - Not really, but I am getting to work an hour earlier, so that's a start.
- Clean the apartment - Mostly
- Plant some flowers/veggies/herbs and don't let them die - No
- Proofread a new novel from another aspiring writer friend! - Started! Haven't finished yet though
- Start writing/journalling in the evenings before bed, so I have a written list of the things I accomplished. - I've been doing this consistently for a little over a week. I'm really just writing down what I felt to be good things that happened, and ignoring the bad unless it's important, like physically being incapable of doing something simple.
- File taxes. - They've been dealt with.
All in all, I think I killed April. Most of the incomplete goals had nothing to do with a lack of effort on my part. I had some good things happen, like a friend asking me to teach him how to cook vegan dishes, lost some weight without really trying, mastered the process of making kombucha... So it's on to May!
- Keep up the 6+ hour days
- Host a Norwex party
- Finish up a freelance web design job I picked up
- Re-order the supplements I'm out of
- Keep meal prepping
- Get office and spare bathroom cleaned up/organized for visiting family
- Go to 2 rock concerts!
- Keep writing in my happiness journal
- Work an pet adoption event
- Keep reading my friend's novel
- Read the books I checked out from the library
I was so stressed/busy in April that I decided May needed to be a breather month. I'm not stressing about classes (although I have several I still need to take). This month it's all about money and happiness.
I've noticed a few people have listed meal planning as part of their goals and I have to admit it's one of mine too! Hopefully we can all figure out something that works.