Happy Halloween! Have a Blessed Samhein! And happy anniversary to me and Hubs!
It's my favorite day of the year. And my plan for Samhein? To burn negative thoughts and habits, to create healthy goals and resolutions, getting ready for a new year! For pagans, Samhein is the end of the year. The end of the harvest. The day to celebrate our ancestors. The beginning of winter.
For our anniversary? I don't know. Usually I've got things all planned out, but I ended up having to work today, so I don't get to spend as much time at home.
I am still taking tomorrow off so we can do whatever.

The day hasn't started out well, though. Hubs' phone was stolen and turned off so it can't be tracked. His little sister is in he hospital, delivering her baby. Hubs is really taking the news hard, because it should have been us instead of her. I agree, but there's nothing I can do except ignore the situation. She doesn't talk to us anyway, so that's not too hard. He's just not emotionally ready for a niece/nephew, even if he's not going to see her/him. I don't think any of his friends, with or without kids, really understands what's going on. Hell, they might not even give a damn. I hate seeing him so sad and upset.
Anywho, enough about the crap. Today I need to be celebrating our 4th wedding anniversary!
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