I don't normally blog several times in a single day, but I couldn't help myself today. I found a new blog to love, Hybrid Rasta Mama. I've never met this woman, but she is pretty much everything I want to be when I'm a mom. All-natural, patient, loving, and happy. As I was perusing her posts, I was drawn to one called Real Men Wear Babies. I had to read it. As I was looking at all the pictures of dads wearing their babies, I couldn't help but think of my hubby. I've often joked that we are going to have to have twins because I'm probably never going to want to put my baby down. After seeing this, and realizing just how cute Hubs will be wearing our baby, I think I might share. Enjoy all the wonderful pictures Hybrid Rasta Mama has on her blog, Real Men Wear Babies!

Oh, and here is Hubs with one of our nieces :) (It's hard to believe she's already 2 and a half years old)

Oh, and here is Hubs with one of our nieces :) (It's hard to believe she's already 2 and a half years old)

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