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April Goals

March Goals:
- Proofread the novel I didn't do last month - YES!
- Continue working at least 6 hours a day during the week - Mostly. I was sick a lot this month, as was Hubs, so I was only successful about 65-70% of the time. But that's a lot better than nothing!
- Work out at least 4 times a week (SMART goal) - No. But I have attended multiple yoga classes this month, found a great new studio, got a new workout buddy, so things are looking up!
- Be a little more successful with advance meal prep - No. I need to work on this some more.
- Start, and hopefully finish, one of the multiple courses I have purchased - Didn't even look at them. 
- Come up with a name for my Etsy store - No. Changed my mind, and decided that I don't really have the time for my current life, so adding more responsibility isn't a good idea. 
- Cost/pricing structure of potential product options - See previous comment ^^
- Get products photographed for said Etsy store - Same ^^
- Enjoy the last 10 days as a 27yr old - I guess I did. Didn't do anything fancy.
- Don't dread my birthday - I didn't. Actually, this was the first birthday in a while that I didn't care at all. So apathy is better than dread in my book :)
- Start the DDP Yoga program - No. I have it though. And I'm in the DDP Yoga facebook group for motivation. 
- Take at least 1 of the 5 in-studio yoga courses I've already paid for - YES! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE the studio, and the instructor I had. I'm making plans to go back next week. 
- Start a meditation challenge (SMART goal) - I made the goal, but didn't even try. 
- Buy summer concert ticket package - No. Life went haywire financially, so I couldn't afford it. BUT... They added a 4th concert to the package, so I'm even more excited! 

Well, I'd say I accomplished most of the goals that were feasible. The Etsy store, while a cool idea, and potentially financially helpful, isn't worth the extra stress right now. I need to focus on work, school and my health before I try to add more businesses to it. I did, however, sign up as a Norwex distributor! I love the products, and had the ability to join for super cheap. I love the discounts, the ability to help people get healthier by removing chemicals from their home, and the extra cash that I can donate to my PCOS group fund is nice.

April Goals
- Continue working 6+ hours a day
- Host a Norwex party
- Help my first consultant  get started (that's right, I already have someone signing up underneath me this month, and I wasn't even trying!)

- Work out at least twice a week. This can be yoga, walking the dog for a longer period of time, walking around the lake, whatever I can handle.
- Be consistent with my supplements. I'm taking everything out of my pill box and starting over with a drastically reduced amount of supplements
- Meal prep on weekends so I have food when I don't want to cook

- Start and finish my Mobile App Development course
- Work with Hubs to set a schedule to finish another course together

PCOS Group:
- Plan April's Dallas event and post details in the group
- Plan May's Ft Worth event
- Get some FB/Twitter posts scheduled

- Cut back on my tv show hours
- Play more games with Hubs
- Work on Spike's leash training
- Get our sleeping schedule fixed so I can get up earlier in the AM
- Clean the apartment
- Plant some flowers/veggies/herbs and don't let them die
- Proofread a new novel from another aspiring writer friend!
- Start writing/journalling in the evenings before bed, so I have a written list of the things I accomplished.
- File taxes.

Maybe April's list is too long. Maybe it's not. I tried to make my goals fairly simple to achieve. I didn't do so well with the SMART goals last month, but I wasn't trying. This lack of motivation thing is killing me. But finding motivation, that's going to be an unwritten goal this month.

What are your goals? Let's hear them!
The Monthly Goals Link-Up


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