Here were last month's goals.
- Complete my Personal Nutrition final - Done! Finished with Distinction
- Start and finish the Interior Design course so I can decorate an entire house in March - Nope. But the house in need of decorating isn't happening anymore, so no rush.
- Proofread a friend's new novel - Hell no. And this makes me feel bad.
- Set up some SMART goals and achieve them! I need to add more veggies in my diet, and add more physical activity! - Nope. I mean I did eat more veggies and hit my step goals more often, but didn't actually set the goals.
- Do something fun for Valentine's - Yes! We waited til the day after V-Day and saw Deadpool with a good friend.
- Get the February newsletter out fast. - Never did it.
- Start the Couch to 5K program - Didn't even download the app
- Get some more junk out of the house - This was actually successful! Hubs spent a few days rearranging, and we got some crap out. My house is almost liveable!
- Put in at least 6 hour days every day at work - Mostly. I was pretty good about this!
- Finish up the novel I've been reading for months - Finally! Finished it while sitting at DPS.
- Cut back on the amount of tv I watch - I didn't really keep track, but I was productive in other areas, so I think so.
- Work on Spike's leash training (or lack thereof lol) - Nope.
- Do something cool for my sister's level-up day! - Well I invited her to paint with me lol
There are a lot of nopes on my list. But there were some other items that I didn't have on my list that got done, so that's ok. Here's what I did do.
- Completed the writing exam and scheduled my driver's exam for late March so I can FINALLY have my driver's license back.
- Hubs rearranged and sorted all the junk in the bedroom, so now there is a ton of floor space for working out. We even brought the home gym back in! And my boss got rid of a beautiful bookshelf/storage unit, so we claimed it and took it home. It looks wonderful and will really help with the organization.
- I joined DDP Yoga. I always saw that video of Arthur, who couldn't really walk, and now he can run and jump and do whatever he wants - that was an inspiration that I never fully realized. PCOS Diva interviewed DDP about the program and explained why she liked it so much, so I finally gave in. I've taken my before pics, and will be doing measurements today before I start the program.
- Washed, dried and hung up/folded/stored every single wearable item of clothing in the house. And bought 80 more hangers to make sure I had plenty of them. Now I need to go through everything and get rid of some more stuff because I have more clothes than I could ever need.
- Kept my kitchen mostly clean the entire month. Woohoo!
- Found a bird breeder in my area that has the turquoise green cheek conure baby I want, and she's working with me on payments so we can bring one home! We haven't decided if we actually will, since we need to pay off some debt. But our conure needs a buddy, so the happiness of my feather baby may outweigh my desire to get out of debt lol
- Hubs and I have been getting out of the house more. We've spent some time with friends and are slowly lessening our hermit status.
So what's the plan for March? Hubs and I share March birthdays, along with pretty much every other member of our family, so I'm sure a birthday event of some sort is on the agenda. I've also got some schooling to get going on!
March Goals:
- Proofread the novel I didn't do last month
- Continue working at least 6 hours a day during the week
- Work out at least 4 times a week (SMART goal)
- Be a little more successful with advance meal prep
- Start, and hopefully finish, one of the multiple courses I have purchased
- Come up with a name for my Etsy store
- Cost/pricing structure of potential product options
- Get products photographed for said Etsy store
- Enjoy the last 10 days as a 27yr old
- Don't dread my birthday
- Start the DDP Yoga program
- Take at least 1 of the 5 in-studio yoga courses I've already paid for
- Start a meditation challenge (SMART goal)
- Buy summer concert ticket package
I think that's plenty of goals for the month!
Join the link-up below to get support with your goals!

- Complete my Personal Nutrition final - Done! Finished with Distinction
- Start and finish the Interior Design course so I can decorate an entire house in March - Nope. But the house in need of decorating isn't happening anymore, so no rush.
- Proofread a friend's new novel - Hell no. And this makes me feel bad.
- Set up some SMART goals and achieve them! I need to add more veggies in my diet, and add more physical activity! - Nope. I mean I did eat more veggies and hit my step goals more often, but didn't actually set the goals.
- Do something fun for Valentine's - Yes! We waited til the day after V-Day and saw Deadpool with a good friend.
- Get the February newsletter out fast. - Never did it.
- Start the Couch to 5K program - Didn't even download the app
- Get some more junk out of the house - This was actually successful! Hubs spent a few days rearranging, and we got some crap out. My house is almost liveable!
- Put in at least 6 hour days every day at work - Mostly. I was pretty good about this!
- Finish up the novel I've been reading for months - Finally! Finished it while sitting at DPS.
- Cut back on the amount of tv I watch - I didn't really keep track, but I was productive in other areas, so I think so.
- Work on Spike's leash training (or lack thereof lol) - Nope.
- Do something cool for my sister's level-up day! - Well I invited her to paint with me lol
There are a lot of nopes on my list. But there were some other items that I didn't have on my list that got done, so that's ok. Here's what I did do.
- Completed the writing exam and scheduled my driver's exam for late March so I can FINALLY have my driver's license back.
- Hubs rearranged and sorted all the junk in the bedroom, so now there is a ton of floor space for working out. We even brought the home gym back in! And my boss got rid of a beautiful bookshelf/storage unit, so we claimed it and took it home. It looks wonderful and will really help with the organization.
- I joined DDP Yoga. I always saw that video of Arthur, who couldn't really walk, and now he can run and jump and do whatever he wants - that was an inspiration that I never fully realized. PCOS Diva interviewed DDP about the program and explained why she liked it so much, so I finally gave in. I've taken my before pics, and will be doing measurements today before I start the program.
- Washed, dried and hung up/folded/stored every single wearable item of clothing in the house. And bought 80 more hangers to make sure I had plenty of them. Now I need to go through everything and get rid of some more stuff because I have more clothes than I could ever need.
- Kept my kitchen mostly clean the entire month. Woohoo!
- Found a bird breeder in my area that has the turquoise green cheek conure baby I want, and she's working with me on payments so we can bring one home! We haven't decided if we actually will, since we need to pay off some debt. But our conure needs a buddy, so the happiness of my feather baby may outweigh my desire to get out of debt lol
- Hubs and I have been getting out of the house more. We've spent some time with friends and are slowly lessening our hermit status.
So what's the plan for March? Hubs and I share March birthdays, along with pretty much every other member of our family, so I'm sure a birthday event of some sort is on the agenda. I've also got some schooling to get going on!
March Goals:
- Proofread the novel I didn't do last month
- Continue working at least 6 hours a day during the week
- Work out at least 4 times a week (SMART goal)
- Be a little more successful with advance meal prep
- Start, and hopefully finish, one of the multiple courses I have purchased
- Come up with a name for my Etsy store
- Cost/pricing structure of potential product options
- Get products photographed for said Etsy store
- Enjoy the last 10 days as a 27yr old
- Don't dread my birthday
- Start the DDP Yoga program
- Take at least 1 of the 5 in-studio yoga courses I've already paid for
- Start a meditation challenge (SMART goal)
- Buy summer concert ticket package
I think that's plenty of goals for the month!
Join the link-up below to get support with your goals!
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