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January Goals 2016 Edition

I didn't get the results I had hoped for, but I didn't really try so I can't expect miracles.

- Finish at least 2-4 more modules in my Dyslexia Therapist course - Well.... I finished 2 more on Jan 3, and it was before I started my goal list for January, so that counts, right? I'm going to say yes.
- Yoga! - Ugh no.
- Finish wrapping all gifts - Yup
- Finish my Christmas card to a special couple - No. But I am sending her a late Christmas present, so I'll send the late card at the same time.
- Visit Hubs' grandmother a few hours away - Nope, we're doing that soon, after one of the board games that Hubs wants to take with us finally shows up in the mail!
- Finish at least 1 week on the McDougall Plan - I did. I'm a little iffy, and still trying to find something that works for me. But it has been very beneficial for me, because I have learned how to drastically reduce how much oil I use in cooking.
- Sit down with Hubs and get our 2016 Plan written - We figured out our ridiculous monthly budget. That's better than nothing. Plus, he doesn't really understand or see he point in trying to set goals for the future like I do, because he's content with whatever happens, as long as we are together. Totally romantic, not so practical.
- Sell some unneeded stuff in the house/storage, like the extra desk and washing machine. - I got pictures ready to post, and some stuff sorted and ready to go, but no actual sales yet.

Obviously December didn't go fabulously, but it was a rough month and we managed to come out the other side without owing any family member extra money. I had to buy exgtra Secret Santa gifts because people in the one I was running decided to flake. The bank closed my credit card without informing me. BUT. I cleaned my entire kitchen and have kept it clean for several weeks - that's a BIG deal. I helped friends across the country, I brought smiles to peoples' faces, and the money issue resolved itself. 2015 ended without major freaking out, and I feel, with the right effort and planning, 2016 will go much better. Here are this month's goals. 

- Finish my Dyslexia Therapist Course (6 more modules to go)
- Start and finish my Personal Nutrition diploma
- Pay for my Chemistry and Nutrition course to start in Feb
- Have a couple over for dinner. (I'm cheating with this goal because I already have the night scheduled.)
- Go out in public with a crowd (Cheating on this one as well, because I bought tickets for the event over a month ago)
- YOGA YOGA YOGA. I have 6 classes already paid for, I just have to go!
- Get my 2016 plan finished, with or without Hubs.
- Sell some extra stuff in my continuing effort to clean the house.

JOIN THE MONTHLY GOAL LINKY! It'll give you some accountability, and reinforcement from friends! Clink the pic :)

The goals=


  1. I watch youtube videos and do yoga in my living room. It helps cause I get embarrassed easily. May try both the classes and at-home workouts and see which one you like best? I love yoga :)

    1. I have plenty of DVDs, but it's hard to practice when my husband and dog won't leave me alone. I like the classes because I get help if I need it. I thought I would be embarrassed, but honestly, everyone is so focused on themselves that no one except the instructor is paying attention to you. I LOVE the classes.

  2. Oh, I need to get back into yoga. I really do love it so much.

    Good luck with finishing those modules!


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