So I'm a little late with this because Feb is almost half over... But two weeks of goals is better than none!
Let's recap Jan's goals first.
- Read 5 books (already read 1 - I love being a fast reader!) - definitely done!
- Use all the produce that comes in the house - no waste! - Almost a total success! I've been letting lettuce go bad, so I need to get more salads in my menu!
- Fill my mp3 player with good music and head to the gym! - Nope.
- No fast food! Ok, this one isn't as simple, but I'm ready to try it! - Success!!! I think I went out for fast food once. And it was chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A. They were too yummy to feel bad about it.
I don't think I have ever had that many green results! I'm quite happy with myself.
February's goals:
- WORK OUT! I've been slacking for two weeks and that has to change.
- Eat more salad!
- Visit the gym at least once!
- Prep a week's worth of food over the weekend.
- Beat Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light with Hubs, if I can drag him away from Dead Island.
- Figure out something fun and cheap for Valentine's Day. Guess I need to get started!
- Reorganize the baking and spice cabinets in the kitchen.
- Finally go see Dad and have Christmas.
I believe in myself, and I can get this done!
What are your goals for the month? Join the monthly link-up and let us know!
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