A couple of days ago, Mrs. O from The Ohlers nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog award. Honestly, I almost cried. I've been blogging off and on for 3 years now, and I've never been considered for an award; especially a 'Very Inspiring' award. For a while I had hoped my blog was inspiring to other women with PCOS, but I started to realize lately that I'm not posting about happy stuff anymore. I'm sure that's partially due to the depressive funk I've been in for so long. It's hard to inspire others when you can't inspire yourself. For someone to still think I am inspiring gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling that I haven't had in a while. And I really do appreciate it.
And now that I have been nominated, it's my turn to follow suit! Here are the rules:
A) Display the award image on your blog.
B) Link back to the person who nominated you.
C) State 7 things about yourself.
1. I love my husband.
2. I treat my animals like children because we can't have any of our own.
3. I have two jobs and also volunteer with Power Up for PCOS.
4. I openly admit to being crazy, because I never want people to expect normality from me.
5. I only have 3 birds because that's all that the city I live in allows.
6. I disagree with the way a lot of people view/treat pit bulls - and when we have a house and yard of our own, we'll be working with the Villalobos Rescue Center in New Orleans to adopt one.
7. I recently discovered I'm not half bad at painting pottery!
D) Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to their sites.
I didn't make it to 15, but to be honest, I don't really read a lot of blogs. I've drastically cut down on my computer time.
Annie @ Just Beginning Our Illusory Hope
She is an inspiration because she has tried so hard (and succeeded!) in losing weight with PCOS. And now she's a Power Up for PCOS volunteer!
Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit
Leanne inspires me to get to know myself and try new foods. I lost count of how many recipes I've used from her!
Gena @ Choosing Raw
Gena inspires me because she decided to go back to school for Pre-Med, and she shows all of her blog readers how easy it is to make and eat awesome food that's super good for you!
Shannon @ 15th and Madison
Shannon inspires me because she doesn't let anything get her down. We have both gone through a rough marraige/divorce, although for very different reasons, and we are still moving on and getting back our lives.
Jen @ Life, Crafts & Whatever
She inspires me because even with adorable 4 little girls, she still finds time to do awesome crafty stuff. I know that if she can do it, I can too :)
Anasara @ Impregnable!
She inspires me because she hasn't given up on her journey to be a mother.
Sarah @ SECS vs PCOS
She inspires me because she never has anything bad to say. I can always count on her to provide a little encouragement when I need it most. I can only hope that I have the same effect on her that she does on me. And she's a Power Up for PCOS volunteer, too!
Christina @ The Ohlers
Besides having nominated me for this award, she inspires me because she spends a lot of time helping women with PCOS, from running a weight loss challenge to moderating a large facebook group.
E) Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to the post.
And now that I have been nominated, it's my turn to follow suit! Here are the rules:
A) Display the award image on your blog.
B) Link back to the person who nominated you.
C) State 7 things about yourself.
1. I love my husband.
2. I treat my animals like children because we can't have any of our own.
3. I have two jobs and also volunteer with Power Up for PCOS.
4. I openly admit to being crazy, because I never want people to expect normality from me.
5. I only have 3 birds because that's all that the city I live in allows.
6. I disagree with the way a lot of people view/treat pit bulls - and when we have a house and yard of our own, we'll be working with the Villalobos Rescue Center in New Orleans to adopt one.
7. I recently discovered I'm not half bad at painting pottery!
D) Nominate 15 other bloggers and link to their sites.
I didn't make it to 15, but to be honest, I don't really read a lot of blogs. I've drastically cut down on my computer time.
Annie @ Just Beginning Our Illusory Hope
She is an inspiration because she has tried so hard (and succeeded!) in losing weight with PCOS. And now she's a Power Up for PCOS volunteer!
Leanne @ Healthful Pursuit
Leanne inspires me to get to know myself and try new foods. I lost count of how many recipes I've used from her!
Gena @ Choosing Raw
Gena inspires me because she decided to go back to school for Pre-Med, and she shows all of her blog readers how easy it is to make and eat awesome food that's super good for you!
Shannon @ 15th and Madison
Shannon inspires me because she doesn't let anything get her down. We have both gone through a rough marraige/divorce, although for very different reasons, and we are still moving on and getting back our lives.
Jen @ Life, Crafts & Whatever
She inspires me because even with adorable 4 little girls, she still finds time to do awesome crafty stuff. I know that if she can do it, I can too :)
Anasara @ Impregnable!
She inspires me because she hasn't given up on her journey to be a mother.
Sarah @ SECS vs PCOS
She inspires me because she never has anything bad to say. I can always count on her to provide a little encouragement when I need it most. I can only hope that I have the same effect on her that she does on me. And she's a Power Up for PCOS volunteer, too!
Christina @ The Ohlers
Besides having nominated me for this award, she inspires me because she spends a lot of time helping women with PCOS, from running a weight loss challenge to moderating a large facebook group.
E) Notify the bloggers that they have been nominated and link to the post.
Thanks for nominating me :) I know I don't blog as often as I'd like and I often time wonder if it is worth it, but to me if it helps one person it is well worth it :) So keep on blogging :) it is hard to find other Cysters who like to do things naturally because I do too.