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Spike Needs Sympathy... And I just need some crazy pills!

This week is our 'Torture the Dog' week. Today he's at the puppy spa, getting a bath, nails trimmed and fur shaved. Tomorrow he loses his man-hood. Sometimes I'm glad that he can't understand English, because he'd be really pissed off if he knew what tomorrow was bringing.

As hubby and I were laying in bed at 3am, frustrated that neither of us were even remotely close to being tired, we decided we'd try to pull an all-nighter. That way, we'd go to sleep earlier tonight so we could be up early tomorrow to take Spike to the vet. Every once in a while we succeed, and get lots of stuff done. We went to the grocery store, grabbed breakfast at Whataburger, dyed my hair, and watched TV. I had planned on going into work earlier than normal, so I could leave earlier. Apparently I passed out on the couch around 6am. So much for staying up all night. Oh well. At least we got some stuff done.

I had an ulterior motive for staying up all night - I've really been aching for a manic episode lately, because I'm so tired of being depressed. I know that it's not a good idea at all to imduce a manic episode - and I DO NOT ADVISE IT. I will not recommend it for anyone. Manic episodes can lead to varying forms of self-harm, and it's not safe. With that being said, I did it anyway. My manic episodes usually lead to excess spending and spreading myself way too thin. Today I feel like I've been hit with the crazy stick, and have very little ability to stay focused on one task at a time. Since I got paid Monday, take a guess as to what I've been doing today...

Before I talk about it more - I need to clarify one thing. Most of the money I have spent today has been for good reasons.

Hubs took the dog to the groomer at Petsmart, and made the mistake of going to look at the other animals for sale. When I get home tonight, I'll get to meet the two newest additions to our crazy little zoo - two mice. One is white with a big brown spot over one eye. She has been named Coconut. The other is white with lots of black spots, like Spike. She is currently un-named. I'm leaning towards MooCow, but its not official yet. **UPDATE - her name is Dot, like the little girl in Animaniacs!**

I paid my registration for the Power Up for PCOS 5K walk on Sept 29. Since I'm hosting, I kinda needed to pay it.... And I entered the Soul Cysters Weight Loss Challenge. Maybe a group challenge will motivate me to start losing weight again. I also found unpainted ceramic support ribbons that are the perfect size for magnets. I bought every single one they had (came out to about $1 a piece). I'll be painting them teal and selling them on the Power Up website to raise money! I'm also bidding on a set of 24 ceramic pumpkins for the Paint Your Pumpkin TEAL for PCOS event we are hosting next month.

I forked out $75 for a Groupon for the Concealed Handgun License class I have to take before I can get my CHL. That groupon covered both me and hubs, so sometime in the next year we both hope to be card-carrying badasses lol. (Without the groupon we would have spent at least $150)

I had to post before and after pics of the dog. Mainly for your entertainment - he looks so different, and when hubby sent me the pics, I almost died laughing. Before on left, after on right. I'll post better pics later.

Spike better be happy he got lucky... We set two alarms at 6:45 and 6:55 to get up early enough this morning to take him to his neutering appt. At 8:30, hubby wakes up, starts cussing about how we didn't hear the alarm. There was no way we could get him there by 9am, so we rescheduled. Spike got a temporary extension of man-hood lol. He's rescheduled for next Wednesday. Maybe this next time I won't stay up til 3am.

But since I was already up so early, I decided to go into work early. I have plans with hubs and Mom to paint at the studio tonight, so going in early means I have more time to paint. Still haven't figured out what project I'm going to start on. Hubs is already on his second, and I haven't even picked out my first lol. I feel so behind :)


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