One of my goals this month was to start doing yoga at home so I'm prepared to use my free week next month. If you walked into my house, you'd think I was a regular yogi - plenty of yoga clothes, 2 mats (because the first one wasn't as pretty as the second one), resistance bands, etc. But in all reality, I haven't done yoga in almost a year. In fact, I stopped looking at the closet door so I didn't get mad that my mat had been in the same place for so long.
The floor was vacuumed moments before this pic was taken.
If you look closely you'll see that it's already covered in
hair again.
So Monday I texted the hubby and said "Do not allow me to do anything when I get home until after I do yoga." Then I had to quickly modify it with this comment, "Okay, except for vacuum the living room floor so I don't gag on dog hair while I'm doing it." (I still, to this day, don't understand why I decided to bring home a white dog when everything in the house is black.) After vacuuming the floor, I had to decide which yoga dvd I wanted to use. I picked one out that I hadn't done before. It had a 25 minute program that I was excited about - until I opened the case and discovered that the disk that was in it was NOT the same as the cover. As this was the first time opening it, I realized that the person I bought it from on Amazon had sent me the wrong one. But that was like a year ago, so there was nothing I could do about it. So I decided I was going to use the Sara Ivanhoe '20 Min Yoga Makeover for Flat Abs' that I have used many times before and enjoyed. Couldn't find it. So hubby kept looking for it while I tried out another one, 'Yoga for Beginners' that I got from Gaiam a while back. Hubby finally found my dvd 30 min later, but I was already doing the Gaiam one, so I figured there was no reason to stop and change it. The old me wouldn't have gone through all this hassle just to do yoga. But the new me pushed through all the obstacles, even though they were minor, and did yoga Monday. Did yoga again yesterday, but tried the 'Basic Yoga for Dummies' dvd this time, since I didn't love the Gaiam dvd (just a little too slow for me). Realized that Sara Ivanhoe made the Dummies dvd, so I was excited. My core was in pain for the rest of the night, but I expected it. To go from not doing yoga at all to doing the entire workout will do that to you. But I knew that the pain was worth it. Because sooner or later, the pain would go away, and I'd be stronger, skinnier, and more relaxed.
What am I doing when I get home today? You guessed it, yoga! Haven't decided which DVD yet, but I know I'm going to do it.
Do you want a free week of yoga at a studio near you? Then head over to the Yoga Health Foundation website and sign up for a free week. You can use the free week anytime in September or October. I chose to go to the Divine Center of Yoga in Southlake, specifically because they have a class called 'Adaptive Yoga' designed for people with arthritis and fibromyalgia - just like me! I hope that you'll try yoga, because what do you have to lose besides the gas to drive to the yoga studio?
Here's the link to a free week:
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