March is the birthday month in my family. The hubby, my dad, my stepmother, hubby's aunt, hubby's g'ma and myself are March babies. My sister and hubby's g'pa might as well be, theirs are at the end of February. Being completely broke, we didn't do much this year. I sent birthday wishes. For my birthday, my sister came to our side of the world and we went out for Mexican food. Food was pretty good, no alcohol in the margaritas, and services was TERRIBLE. I wrote a review on restaurant.com = that bad. But it was fun to be out with my sister and hubby. My birthday gifts were really more for the pets than for me, but I am totally cool with that. Spike has given a new, larger kennel and we got a gift certificate to Petsmart. We spent it on new goodies for all the birds and the dog. They were happy. We figured out that
rawhide = doggie ritalin. We've been able to let Spike hang out in the living room a lot more than normal because he will lay quietly for hours on a pillow with a good rawhide. It's fantastic.
For the hubby's bday, we did whatever he wanted. We visited a friend to pick up his new cd:
Self-titled album by BONEYMEAN. We fell in love with an apartment. We ended with movie night at home - free coupon for Redbox, popcorn, beer and soda. We rented Happy Feet 2. Very cute. Hubby loved it and ended up enjoying a day he was dreading for a week prior. We went to the Japanese Gardens the next day and spent 3 hours wandering around. Hubby bought me that cute frog necklace from the gift shop 'just cuz' :) I'm sure I've mentioned before that
I LOVE FROGS. let me repeat.
I LOVE FROGS. And yet I don't have a frog tattoo. Too hard to pick just one, I guess.
We're planning at least two more trips to the Gardens in the next few weeks. I'm looking forward to more photo ops and easy exercise - maybe even a picnic lunch!
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