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Showing posts from February, 2012

Food Allergy Test Results

I was in for a surprise when I got my food allergy test results this past Wednesday. For the few days prior, my thoughts were wrought with fear that I may be allergic to garlic or nuts. I even started designing my garlic and nut super-villain tattoos. Thankfully those weren't on my list. The shock came with the 29 other items on my list! Moderate allergies Baker’s and brewer's yeast Pineapple Vanilla White mushroom Sensitivities Broccoli Buttermilk Carrots Casein Celery Cilantro Cinnamon Cod Dates Iceberg lettuce Kiwi Lamb Millet Onion Oregano Parsley Plum Potato Raspberry Rosemary Sage Strawberry Swiss cheese Turkey I was upset to see so many yummy foods on the list, including my go-to meat, turkey, and some of my usual spices. I was glad to see celery and onions, though. I’ve detested them for years and I always get laughed at for hating onions. Now I have a legitimate reason for hating them! I can live with this list. Well, I...

It will happen - I think!

I've had a vitamin/supplement series idea running through my head for awhile. It's a lot easier to manage PCOS naturally when you know what to use, dosages, the good brands, etc. But more importantly, why take it? What exactly does it help? Photo Credit I recently realized that I was taking over a dozen supplements a day, and I couldn't tell you what some of them were for unless I did some research. That's crazy. It's very important to know the reasons behind anything you put in your system. We have to make informed decisions to provide our bodies with the best care. If we don't know why we are taking something, then it wasn't really an informed decision, was it? That's why I stopped taking everything, and started from scratch, one at a time. This way I know why I'm taking it, what effects I'm looking for, and I can determine if it's working or not. But I need your help. This project can't reach it's full potential without help...

Hopelessness and Allergies

I've been feeling overwhelmingly hopeless lately. DH and I are both disabled and not fit to work, but we aren't disabled enough to be recognized by the gov't. Since we are not working, we cannot afford insurance to cover medications I need to become remotely sane - although they never really did work. Every day that goes by is just another day where I realize that I am having to rely on my 77 year old grandfather, who will probably end up working until the day he dies because he is the only one in our family who gives a damn and supports us, even if he really doesn't want to. I've been trying so hard to lose weight in an attempt to feel better. I figured if I didn't have to carry around so much weight, I might feel better. Well gaining 8 pounds in the last 2-3 weeks definitely isn't helping. I've been sitting here for hours scouring the internet for some piece of advice I haven't heard before, something that might make me feel better. I guess I did...