I didn't get the results I had hoped for, but I didn't really try so I can't expect miracles. December: - Finish at least 2-4 more modules in my Dyslexia Therapist course - Well.... I finished 2 more on Jan 3, and it was before I started my goal list for January, so that counts, right? I'm going to say yes. - Yoga! - Ugh no. - Finish wrapping all gifts - Yup - Finish my Christmas card to a special couple - No. But I am sending her a late Christmas present, so I'll send the late card at the same time. - Visit Hubs' grandmother a few hours away - Nope, we're doing that soon, after one of the board games that Hubs wants to take with us finally shows up in the mail! - Finish at least 1 week on the McDougall Plan - I did. I'm a little iffy, and still trying to find something that works for me. But it has been very beneficial for me, because I have learned how to drastically reduce how much oil I use in cooking. - Sit down with Hubs and get our 2016...
Taking control of my life to become healthy and happy!