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Showing posts from October, 2015

What I learned from a raw vegan detox

Here it is, the end of the dang month, and I haven't made very many food posts. So much for doing a lot of #12x30Challenge posts. But I did do something important this month. I tried a 7-day raw vegan detox. I've been wanting to do one for a while, but every one that I found used a TON of celery, and I hate celery. Plus, it's on my food sensitivity list, so it gives me an extra reason to hate the stuff. But this one I found from Gourmandelle didn't have much, so supplementing a few ingredients was easy. My mom and I tried it together. She didn't last as long as I did. The first few days weren't bad. I wasn't hungry between meals, and I didn't feel deprived at all. I actually couldn't eat as much as I was supposed to. The recipes made a ton of food. I was doing pretty good until day 5. That's when I broke down and went to Chipotle. At least I ate vegetarian, so that counts for something, right? Here's what I determined from trying this: 1)...


Hubs and I took the twin 6-yr-old nieces (Princess and Namesake) to the Gluten Free Allergen Free Expo last weekend. It's one of my favorite events of the year - mainly because it's a cheap way to try expensive products before I buy them. For example - I love Rudi's GF bread, but hate Udi's. I wasted money trying Udi's because they weren't at the expo. I just bought it to try something different. I knew the girls would love going from table to table getting free stuff (it's like Christmas!), and Princess has a dairy allergy. I wanted to be able to get lots of coupons for their mom and find tasty treats that won't send Princess to the hospital. I can't begin to explain how happy she was to try a cheese quesadilla made with Daiya slices. Speaking of Daiya, this was the first time I've tried it. I was afraid to pay the price and hate it, so I hadn't tried any non-dairy cheese yet. And wow, that was a tasty quesadilla!!! More Daiya cheese will...

Funko Fridays: Funko Collections I Want to Complete

I've always collected items, though I'm not sure why. I love frogs and fairies. They started my collections. Then Hubs decided that he loved penguins. When we got married, penguins came up more and more because they mate for life. Hubs decided that I was his penguin, I was the only one he would ever want. So we started out penguin collection. That's harder than it may seem, because attempting to keep a year-long collection of penguins without looking like you forgot to take down your Christmas decor is almost impossible. But because I'm awesome, I've done pretty well. Then we started watching Doctor Who. We were almost a decade late, but better now than never. I've always been a little bit of a geek. I love Star Trek and computers. But Doctor Who? That might just have managed to beat Star Trek on my favorite series list. Why? Because I'm watching the series for the third time and still not tired of it. And I want to see the classic series. We have a small ...

Infertility in the real world

Today I'm irked. Let's talk about childlessness, again. Lately there have been more and more celebrities coming out as infertile, begging people to stop asking about when a couple is going to have kids. At first I was really excited, because it takes celebrities to get awareness these days. Of course, this all changed when I read today that Chrissy Teagan and John Legend are expecting. Less than a month ago, she was telling people to stop asking, and now she's pregnant. So it's pretty likely that she was already pregnant, but keeping it a secret at that time. How the heck does that help spread awareness about infertility? If anything, it shows that people don't want to talk about something they are fighting through until they have beaten the odds. As a fully-fledged member of the Childless Not By Choice club, this really pisses me off. We don't get to "overcome" childlessness. This is a forever deal. We don't get to "relax and it will happen....

October Goals

So Sept was a partial bust. It came with a lot of stress and some big changes. My goals were pretty much thrown out the window. But I've made some heartbreaking decisions and I think that October will be better. I have decided to temporarily stop all efforts on my support group/non-profit. I've been really stressed out about it, and I am making myself physically sick. So I'm probably not doing anything in regards to that group until the beginning of the new year. I need the next few months to focus on myself. It's going to be hard to give up the group, but I trust that my best friend can keep it afloat until I'm ready to try again. I am glad that Hubs and I got the office rearranged. We moved our desks into the same room, along with our computers. That has solved the problem of my need for him to be in my personal bubble. We can be in the same room and do completely different things now! So he can play video games while I work. It will be of big help as I focus ...