It's been almost 3 weeks since I started making the transition to a vegetarian. I've only had meat products 3 times, which I'm pretty stoked about. I'm still working on the move to dairy-free, but I'm not rushing myself. Heck, if I can go fully vegetarian for a month, I'd be really happy.
I have a few reasons for making these changes.
1) Documentaries have shown me the results of what meat production has done to our environment, our bodies, and animals.
2) Animal protein is not the only protein. Our bodies are perfectly capable of eating plant based proteins, like soy and legumes.
3) A considerable amount of food poisoning is from under-cooked meat. Cut out meat and significantly reduce the chance of food poisoning.
4) If we can get everything our body needs from plants, why do we need to kill animals for their meat? What's the point?
5) I want to teach myself to be self-sufficient without the need to slaughter animals. I could have a huge garden with everything I need.
6) All the cholesterol we need is produced by our liver. But eating animal proteins and dairy add more cholesterol to our body. Our liver also starts producing more cholesterol if we have a high bad fat intake. Most heart disease would disappear if we stopped eating animal proteins! (Queue the minions:
If I had a big following, I'm sure that what I'm about to say would cause a ruckus lol. Is vegetarian ethically bad compared to vegan? Are unfertilized chicken eggs considered animals? Is milking a goat or cow inhumane? I've always wanted to have chickens - but I don't want them for meat. I want them for eggs. I've wanted goats too, for milk and cheese. Hubs would love if he got a cow for fresh milk and butter. I even want bees! But I want the bees for garden pollination, but honey would be nice too. Hubs and I were watching Magic School Bus last night (because you are never too old for educational cartoons! Or cartoons of any sort lol) and learned more about bees. I knew the basics, but the thought of bees dying in the winter because we stole their honey makes me sad. But I need to do more research. I know that bee populations are steadily declining, and that's bad for our fruits and veggies.
I guess my question is: would I be treating my animals inhumanely if I harvested eggs and milked them? I love my zoo, and they eat better than we do. So any farm animals would be loved and cared for just as well.
Ok, I went off on a little tangent, but I think it was useful for me. Back to life updates!
I've had red and pink hair for a week now and I friggin' love it! I've never received compliments on my hair like I did on Friday. Random people in parking lots and stores were amazed at how well Lizz did the colors. It sure took a long time to do, but I'm so happy with it. 'Pinky' is Hubs' latest term of endearment for me. I haven't shown most of my family yet because I don't want to hear them complain lol.
And for the last of the updates: It's my favorite time of the year! Halloween and our anniversary! We have been dating for 7 years yesterday and married 5 years Halloween night! We are celebrating this year by going to a Slipknot and Korn concert. It's going to be awesome! I can't wait!
I have a few reasons for making these changes.
1) Documentaries have shown me the results of what meat production has done to our environment, our bodies, and animals.
2) Animal protein is not the only protein. Our bodies are perfectly capable of eating plant based proteins, like soy and legumes.
3) A considerable amount of food poisoning is from under-cooked meat. Cut out meat and significantly reduce the chance of food poisoning.
4) If we can get everything our body needs from plants, why do we need to kill animals for their meat? What's the point?
5) I want to teach myself to be self-sufficient without the need to slaughter animals. I could have a huge garden with everything I need.
6) All the cholesterol we need is produced by our liver. But eating animal proteins and dairy add more cholesterol to our body. Our liver also starts producing more cholesterol if we have a high bad fat intake. Most heart disease would disappear if we stopped eating animal proteins! (Queue the minions:
If I had a big following, I'm sure that what I'm about to say would cause a ruckus lol. Is vegetarian ethically bad compared to vegan? Are unfertilized chicken eggs considered animals? Is milking a goat or cow inhumane? I've always wanted to have chickens - but I don't want them for meat. I want them for eggs. I've wanted goats too, for milk and cheese. Hubs would love if he got a cow for fresh milk and butter. I even want bees! But I want the bees for garden pollination, but honey would be nice too. Hubs and I were watching Magic School Bus last night (because you are never too old for educational cartoons! Or cartoons of any sort lol) and learned more about bees. I knew the basics, but the thought of bees dying in the winter because we stole their honey makes me sad. But I need to do more research. I know that bee populations are steadily declining, and that's bad for our fruits and veggies.
I guess my question is: would I be treating my animals inhumanely if I harvested eggs and milked them? I love my zoo, and they eat better than we do. So any farm animals would be loved and cared for just as well.

I've had red and pink hair for a week now and I friggin' love it! I've never received compliments on my hair like I did on Friday. Random people in parking lots and stores were amazed at how well Lizz did the colors. It sure took a long time to do, but I'm so happy with it. 'Pinky' is Hubs' latest term of endearment for me. I haven't shown most of my family yet because I don't want to hear them complain lol.
And for the last of the updates: It's my favorite time of the year! Halloween and our anniversary! We have been dating for 7 years yesterday and married 5 years Halloween night! We are celebrating this year by going to a Slipknot and Korn concert. It's going to be awesome! I can't wait!
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