It's been almost 3 weeks since I started making the transition to a vegetarian. I've only had meat products 3 times, which I'm pretty stoked about. I'm still working on the move to dairy-free, but I'm not rushing myself. Heck, if I can go fully vegetarian for a month, I'd be really happy. I have a few reasons for making these changes. 1) Documentaries have shown me the results of what meat production has done to our environment, our bodies, and animals. 2) Animal protein is not the only protein. Our bodies are perfectly capable of eating plant based proteins, like soy and legumes. 3) A considerable amount of food poisoning is from under-cooked meat. Cut out meat and significantly reduce the chance of food poisoning. 4) If we can get everything our body needs from plants, why do we need to kill animals for their meat? What's the point? 5) I want to teach myself to be self-sufficient without the need to slaughter animals. I could have a huge garden with...
Taking control of my life to become healthy and happy!