A couple of days ago, Mrs. O from The Ohlers nominated me for the Very Inspiring Blog award. Honestly, I almost cried. I've been blogging off and on for 3 years now, and I've never been considered for an award; especially a 'Very Inspiring' award. For a while I had hoped my blog was inspiring to other women with PCOS, but I started to realize lately that I'm not posting about happy stuff anymore. I'm sure that's partially due to the depressive funk I've been in for so long. It's hard to inspire others when you can't inspire yourself. For someone to still think I am inspiring gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling that I haven't had in a while. And I really do appreciate it. And now that I have been nominated, it's my turn to follow suit! Here are the rules: A) Display the award image on your blog. B) Link back to the person who nominated you. C) State 7 things about yourself. 1. I love my husband. 2. I treat my animals like children bec...
Taking control of my life to become healthy and happy!