I've spent a lot of time in bed lately, due to serious pain flares. It has not been fun. Having the guys at home to hang out with has been some help, but I'm still so frustrated by the lack of ability to do anything. So I've been reading books. Lots of books. I think I've finished 3 in the last week or two. When Angie posted about this book challenge she is doing, I decided I must do it as well! I just recently won two of Angie's blog giveaways, so I'm kinda hooked on her blog lol. I've always loved books as a way to disappear into another world. Books are movies on steroids. For less than the cost of one movie ticket, I can get hours and hours of video in my head. I can put myself in the movie, playing the main character. I can be the good guy, the bad guy, or the one you aren't so sure about. I feel bad for the people that say they hate reading, or the ones who haven't picked up a book since some of the crappy ones we were forced to read in school...
Taking control of my life to become healthy and happy!