In 11 days, we make one of the biggest changes of the year. We are moving into a bigger apartment and gaining a roommate. I'm still really looking forward to it. I'm excited about the kitchen. I'm going to start working on my cookbook again - PCOS friendly recipes that are also allergen free. I've got my entire support group coming up with dishes they want to see. My goal is to have it out and purchasable before Thanksgiving. We'll see if I can pull that off. I have taste testers and photographers set up, so I really just need to create the recipes! I'm also happy that I will have a dedicated space for my laptop, so I can start working from home. This'll allow me to do more for my PCOS support group, work on side projects for extra cash, and blog more. But... I'm also going to have trouble getting around to working because I'll be living in a house with two guys that love playing video games. Ones that are really excited when I play as well. I...
Taking control of my life to become healthy and happy!