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Showing posts from February, 2010

Hilarious conversation with a Mormon

You may or may not know this, but Hubs and I are practicing Pagans (for lack of a better, more easily understandable term, witches.) We of course do not try to force our views upon anyone, and out of respect for everyone else, normally try to keep religion from becoming a topic of conversation. Unless the situation deems it necessary, or in this case, hilarious. There are times when you meet someone, start talking to them, and begin to wonder what giant mountain they crawled out from under. This is one of those times. Hubs was awoken by Mormons today. No biggie, we normally tell them we aren't interested and they leave. Well today, Hubs had his shirt off. So after he opens the door, he asks them to hold on so he can throw a shirt on. Well, Hubs has a 3 inch pentacle on his shoulder. Very hard to miss. (For those that don't know, a pentacle is an encircled 5-point star. It's essentially the Pagan version of a cross.) One of the Mormons said, "Exc...

New book in the works?

Lately I have grown increasingly frustrated with my husband, because he just doesn't understand how I am feeling. I try my best not to take it out on him, because it's not his fault, but eventually that's what happens anyway. I've googled my heart out trying to find decent information to give him so he can understand and help me out so we can be happy. I've found short web pages, but nothing that really goes into detail about it in terms he can easily understand and put into action. So instead of trying to find websites for him to read, I've decided to write a book. I plan to include tips, suggestions, activities, and ideas on how to help a person living with depression, written from my point of view, as someone with depression. The tips I have found online were written by people who hadn't felt the way we do, and they just don't quite have it. Something is missing, and I plan on filling that gap. With that said, I would love to hear your thoughts on t...

Rant about Healthcare Reform

I have battled with depression and bipolar disorder for over 10 years. For the last 2.5 years, I've been able to manage my issues without the need for medication. I had kicked my ex out of the house, met a new guy, and things were looking up for me. When I lost my job in August of last year, I could tell that I might run into some problems. I was starting to get depressed, but it wasn't overwhelming. We made it though a tough time of almost losing everything, but pulled through. Now I've got a good job, and I can afford to pay the bills, so my stress has lightened considerably. Until yesterday. I don't know what happened, but whatever it was, it hit me like a freight train. I couldn't get out of bed, no matter how hard I tried to talk myself into it. Hubs tried to help me as well, and I think I freaked him out, because I just started bawling for no apparent reason. After a lot of coercion, I finally got out of bed and dressed so we could go to a SuperBowl party. Not...